How To Tell A Great Story

How to Turn a Great Story Into Sales One of the very best ways to boost sales and conversions is to tell a great story in your copy. Don’t get trapped into thinking you can’t possibly tell a great story. You absolutely can tell a great story if you just follow the tips in this […]

Creating Trust With A Strong Guarantee

Gain Your Prospects Trust By Offering A Strong Guarantee The best kind of guarantees are ones that are tied to very specific results.  Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about. A few years a product launched called 4-Minute Squeeze Page, we’re going to take a look at the guarantee for that. […]

How To Become The Person People Want To Buy From

Becoming Attractive As a Seller We buy from those whom we know, like, and trust. Simple enough statement. But how exactly do you make all that happen? Short answer, put yourself out there. I know… Easier said than done on several levels. There are some easy things you can do that will help get the […]

Selling The Dream

How To Put Yourself In The Right Position To Make The Sale Marketing simply defined, is the art of getting the sale. But before any sales can be made there is work to be done… The process can easily be broken down into three steps. Each step requires a different strategy to move a prospect […]