Kompozer – Using Tables

A quick guide to the benefits of using tables to layout a webpage in Kompozer.

How to Use KompoZer

Learn how to edit a Web page and make changes to it using KompoZer. Download here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kompozer/ KompoZer is a wysiwyg HTML editor using the Mozilla Composer codebase. As Nvu’s development has been stopped in 2005, KompoZer fixes many bugs and adds a few useful features.

01 – Kompozer – making a basic webpage

Creating CSS in KompoZer with CaScadeS

For beginners who have little or no experience creating cascading style sheets, KompoZer makes it easy with the built-in CaScadeS CSS editor.

Kompozer Tutorial: HTML Basics For Beginners

With the popularity of WordPress and a host of point-and-click website builders, it’s easy to get the false impression the HTML is a product of a bygone era. Not only is this an inaccurate perception, but this Kompozer tutorial will illustrate that it is no longer the province of programmers with considerable HTML experience. And […]